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How to add your Insurance policy
How to add your Insurance policy
Martin Pickrodt avatar
Written by Martin Pickrodt
Updated over a week ago

To get your started, here is a quick run through of how you can set up your first insurance policy to track in Teleskop.

The steps are:

1: From the "What's Next" menu in the bottom left: select "Add Assets"

2: From the menu of choices, select "Insurance"

3: Fill the form with the required information.

Required Fields are:

  • Insurer

  • Plan Name (this will show in your overview list)

  • Insurance type (used to categorise and group)

All other fields are optional.

Coverage Value:

This is the amount that policy pays out in the event of a covered event.

This is not included in your total net worth, since the payout is linked to conditions.

Investment Value:

This amount is included in your total net worth.

It is the current market value or surrender value of the policy.

4: After adding the insurance policy, here is the completed overview:

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